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A positive number would not equal to zero because zero is just not that seful in most equations. A positive number would equal to any other number and it would be easier to solve and demonstrate. For example zero would be a math problem but in this condition it would just be a regular number to all the other equations. Equations can be rather difficult if they are use in a wrong way.

When you solve a problem using a positive number like 5 you would get this question more faster because it is a big number and otherwise zero would be complicated to solve because it is mostly nothing. A regular number problem like (5 *-2) would be five to the negitive two power which is most likely to be solved. Other problems using other numbers would also work fine. 
Exponets are two numbers but one of the numbers is big and the other one is small right beside it. I have seen exponets in my school last year and they were no that hard to do.What you do with exponets is really easy you just have to multiply by how many it is with the small number. For example: 2to the 3 power would be 2*2*2 which would equal to 8. Exponets are not that hard if you try.

This is how we learnes in my school last year and thay always told us to not get confused with the smaller number because it dosen't mean to times the big number with the small number.

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