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The black death affected Europe because many people where dying because of the Black Death. Many people did not like the Black Death because the rules we strict, other did not follow the rules that applied and they got the consequences for that. Most of Europe was forced to obey the Black Death, if not they would get killed. In Europe the rules  were strict, when you went to see someone who was ill and you touched them you would get the germs they had. To prevent the person from getting ill after touching an ill person they would put oil on your  hands and burn your hands so that the germs and bacteria burn as well. The Black Death was another thing, people in Europe were obligated to do things even if they didn't know how. On the other hand the king also had to follow these rules. This is why the Black Death affected Europe. 




I was part of a noble family and we lived in a big house with lots of room for each one of the members in our family. We produce many great knights and they fight for us. My uncle was the head of the knights and our family.  One day my uncle called on a warriors to defend the holy places in a faraway land. He told this to the Pope and the pope agreed to let this experience pass by. As my uncle grew older he couldn't fight because he was much to old and can suffer if he does. When the day came my uncle was prepared to do something, he came up to me and had some warrior clothes in his hand and told me that I would be fighting in the war.

I was trained for about three weeks and knew everything I needed to know to survive out in the war. My parents said they would pray for me so that after the war I would be back home where I belong safe as can be.




If my father wanted me to marry someone I didn't know I would not want to hurt his feelings and I know he wants me to be happy and I know he's happy with the fact of knowing that I will marry the man he wants me to marry. I know that my father is doing this for my good and I know that he wants me to be happy as can be,but I don't want to marry a guy I hardly knew. My father is a man with great politics and he is from range real high. 

When my father gave me this news I was speech less and with the smile on his face I could't insist on saying no to his request because he was amused to tell me I was getting married with a man I didn't even know. I tried telling him that I was only thirteen what was I to do at such a young age. My father really didn't care how old I was or e would have never told me to marry a man that was a stranger. My father insisted me to go talk to the man that I will soon be marrying in a few days. This was unacceptable because I did not agree. 

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