Hope You Enjoy!
A punnet square is a square with four boxes and it is used to put gene types of each parent into these four boxes. Punnet squares are used to combine one gene type from one of your parents into the punnet square. I know that this is a punnet square because in my science class we used these punnet squares for homework. When you get a trait from both of your parents this trait comes in your blood and is delivered to what they can do to you. The trait from the parent is combined with the other parent and it puts it into the punnet square where they get passed on to you. When the punnet square is done forming it activates to divide in cells. When my science teacher first showed us how our gene types worked we got to see different traits from other people, like eyes, ears and other things.

The DNA project was really fun to do and it was easy. We had to get a piece of wire that was one yard long. We had to get lots of little beads that were all different colors. The colors were yellow, blue, red, and green. This was really easy to understand especially if you love doing these kinds of projects. We had to put all these beads in a certain order because DNA has it's own colors to follow by. We had to put red, green, white, and blue, yellow. The difference of these beads were that some were long and others were short.

This was an absolute great project, I really understood this because at the end it was a beautiful design. The easiest part for me was twisting it because after all this was a really good project but somewhat hard. We had to put the wire through all the beads. This was an amazing project for the lesson we were w
orking on.
The topic I struggled the most was DNA. I struggled a lot with this topic because I didn't know all the DNA's parts and their names. This was very hard for me because I knew that we were going to have a test for this section and I had to study for it. When I studied for this I tried pronouncing the names but it was just to hard. I payed close attention in class and thought that maybe I would be able to pronounce the words and names correctly. DNA was a huge topic especially if it is a topic that is being reviewed near winter break. This was also huge because if you wanted to you could do extra credit based on the DNA. I did a short story based on DNA. This is a topic that I studied over break and now I understand it completely.

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