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The way that light enters your eye and gives a signal to your brain is by reaching into your cornea and passing through the lens. It gives your brain a signal by letting light enter the eye to see the image that your eye wants to see. It gives a signal and pathway by letting your brain know that it wants your eyes to visualize this image or object.

Light is really easy entering your eye, and by that i mean that your brain knows that the light that passes through the cornea and reaches your brain is letting an image enter your eyes and brain. The light intercepts with your eyes and brain. 

What I learned at the zoo compared to my research on the Greater Rhea, I saw that it pick its feathers with its beak and walks with its feet really high. The rhea was a really amazing bird because when I saw it up close I imagined it big but it was an average height for some birds. Most of the research I did on the Greater Rhea was I knew it was going to have a lot of feathers, but I did enjoy seeing how it adapted to the zoo and how it walked around. The bird had his neck held up high but then it went back lower. This was an amazing trip to the zoo to actually see how the bird was like and how it actually lives.

Rainbows are made when light is refracted through millions of droplets in the air.White light is made up of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet light, so when it is split into components by the water droplets, it is seen as a rainbow.
Rainbows usually occur when the moisture in the air, such as after a rainstorm, when the sun is out. It also occurs in  waterfalls and  ocean waves. Rainbows are beautiful sights and they are really pretty to look at because they stand out and make a really good image to our eyes.

The question is why is the sky blue? Well there are many reasons the sky is blue. When I look at the sky I sometimes just stare at it, and if you stare at it for a long time and really carefully you can actually see the clouds scattering. I have noticed this many times and I get really amazed by why I saw, the sky being blue, the clouds scattering,, how does the sun shine where clouds move? This is a question that has been asked a lot.

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